Complaint Non refund of amount:

  • Redbus Customer Care Service in Indore - Non refund of amount:
    Subhash Khairkar on 2017-01-17 13:51:50

    I had booked two tkt from Indore to Amravati on 07 Dec 2016. Amount Rs 900/- deducted vide txn 020006920250 but tkt not issued. After 20 minute I again booked and Rs 900/- again deducted vide txn 010006018488 and tkt against this txn issued vide PNR no 51939018. Last week I told to customer care on tele 07313941234 regarding refund of Rs 900/-she told me that she forwarded case to finance deppt.I calling a numbers of times but in vain nobody atten the call or refund the amount.please refund my amount at earliest. Mob 8818892298