Complaint People travelling without ticket in AC local

  • Mumbai Local Train Complaint & Customer Care Number - People travelling without ticket in AC local
    Kinjal Singh on 2024-02-12 06:37:43

    Hello team,
    I am writing to bring to your attention a concerning issue that I have observed on the morning AC local train from Virar to Churchgate.
    Repeatedly, I have noticed individuals traveling on the train without valid tickets during the morning commute. Despite the clear regulations and the expectation for all passengers to purchase tickets, it appears that some passengers are evading fare payment and taking advantage of the lack of ticket inspection during this time.

    This situation is particularly frustrating for those of us who diligently purchase tickets and rely on the train service to commute to our destinations. It is disheartening to see passengers standing throughout the journey due to overcrowding, while others who have not paid for their tickets are able to occupy seats or even sleep comfortably.

    I kindly request that appropriate action be taken to address this issue and ensure that all passengers adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the railway authorities. Increased vigilance or enforcement measures during the morning hours may help deter such behavior and promote fairness among commuters.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will take the necessary steps to address this concern and improve the overall experience for all passengers on the AC local train.