Complaint Replacement

  • Flipkart Customer Care, Office Address, Email ID, Contact Number & More - Replacement
    Sahil Chaudhari on 2022-10-04 18:24:16

    Dear team
    You are my last hope whom I can count on because it is really tough to get a solution from such companies who are not interested in helping customers.
    Recently I've purchased MI tv 32 Inch lad from flipkart but unfortunately early on the display damaged issue.not replacement to recieve to filcard
    I've followed all the process of replacement but the flipkart support team is not interested in replacement and now i want this product return only.

    your customer support team literally is not supportive. They always have excuses like the system is not working and the system got stuck.
    I have been chasing the same issue for the last 7-8 days...
    My contact number
    Contact to my odare related fast solve to my product