Complaint No to track / see status of my PAN application

  • Kamala Mills Compound PAN card - No to track / see status of my PAN application
    Rajeshwari on 2017-07-24 21:54:28

    Here I Rajeshwari Nagesh Aspi, online applied for new pan number on 6th June 2017.

    My TTID number is 0007919636 also I paid amount for that by ICICI card and

    Bank Ref No. 008351 TRN JHMP 5411540407.

    As well as I speed post all the signed documents with my signed photo.

    Here I want to know about my application status. I also online inquire but not getting
    any mail on my mail id or sms on my cell.

    I called so many times on 020-2721080 but continues voice that no one available..