Complaint Cancellation of car loan proposal apply on 20.12.23

  • Shriram Finance Kishanganj, Bihar, Phone Number - Cancellation of car loan proposal apply on 20.12.23
    RAJIV KUMAR on 2023-12-20 21:40:53

    Dear sir
    your sales representative today visit my home and take my check for car loan if but my sister is not interested your branch representative give assurance if she take loan he give a job in your organisation at Kishanganj Bihar as accountant in your office. When I came then she tell me and your representative denied this and he demandn40000/- for return the cheque. This is totally a fraud please return my all cheque otherwise I make a FIR regarding fraud. Detail of my address
    Ankita sinha
    W/0 Sanjeev Kumar
    Faringola Behind Bala jee petrol pump
    Kishanganj Bihar pin 855107
    pH no 855107
    Please do needful immediately