Complaint OD Certificate | Forgotten password

  • Jntuk Helpline Number (Toll Free) Customer Care Contact Enquiry Phone No For OD, PC, Email, Head Off - OD Certificate | Forgotten password
    Anil Kumar on 2023-05-06 15:18:40

    Hello sir,

    I am Anil Kumar Kannekanti

    forgot my password and even done forgot password stuff but, when I was logging it was showing (invalid credentials) and I can't even change my password it was showing INVALID CREDENTIALS.
    forgot password option seems to display invalid email id, unable to retrieve the password by using forgot password.
    trying to register with another email id not working.
    Please HELP ME as fast as possible sir.

    purpose: OD certificate

    Hall ticket num- 12491A0225

    Contact Number : +91-8501028749