Complaint Non availability of vaaft machine in treatment of complex fistula in ano

  • Christian Medical College Customer Care, Complaints and Reviews - Non availability of vaaft machine in treatment of complex fistula in ano
    vishal jain on 2023-04-21 18:35:27

    This is regarding a surgery for haemophilia patient undergone complex fistula in ano surgery under unit s2 non availability of vaaft machine... Y CMC doesn't have vaaft machine most of d hospital have advance treatment and technology for fistula in ano a vaaft machine helps in faster healing and less bleeding especially it is very helpful for haemophilia patient undergoing complex fistula in ano surgery this is a big minus for CMC Vellore for not having advanced technology and patient getting treated with old method which takes longer healing time and many complications.. when other hospitals can afford and buy advance machine for patients.. y CMC cannot afford..very bad in this regard