Complaint Fees recollection

  • Partha Dental Clinic Customer Care, Complaints and Reviews - Fees recollection
    Prattipati Mojesh on 2022-10-02 09:16:20

    Actually I was visited to your clinic on 13 july 2020 for the Rootcanal treatment and for the upper 2 caps I paid 1700₹ but also I've to pay 2300. So i told to Doctor. Venkatesh that will pay the remaining amount and he also told me that the caps will arrange within a week present not available. Again yesterday myself went to the clinic, but now the Doctor asking 1000₹ for the tooth filling treatment. Now iam asking that what about my 1700₹ payment, because i didn't take Cals and they didn't give me refund. So i want my 1700₹ back right now.

    And my contact number is 8074092459