Complaint No

  • Arvind Kejriwal Delhi CM, Contact Number, Email Id & Office Address - No
    Ajay on 2022-06-11 07:42:32

    Swami Dayanand HospitalPeople of this hospital threaten to refer my mother again and again and my mother in ICU and these people want to kill my mother.We have been here since 28th May and till now no good treatment has been given to my mother. They are making threats from above. And till now nobody brought my mother who did not do well. If we are poor then we are threatened. You will be kicked out from today and if you become very minded, then take treatment to your home. Sir we don't have money. We are getting tests done for₹3000 ₹ 3000 and you I am very upset right now. By investing money, they do not give any medicine from themselves and are getting everything from me from outside. help us sir please they have hurt us a lot Medicines worth ₹ 6000 are being ordered from me from the smallest medicine to the biggest medicine. Sir, if a poor man is not treated in a government hospital, then where will he be sir, should I leave my mother in such a condition?It is said that if you will not give medicine or not, then take the patient to your home. There will be no cure for him here. We do not have this medicine. Sir tell me what is my mistake but my mistake is that I am poor. Sir please help me as soon as possible. Otherwise I do not know what to do with my mother?Sir this is my phone number please help us we are in lot of trouble.9711454532 8527133606 I know sorry sir. This is not the Ministry of Health. But I am stuck in big trouble. Please k help me because my mother is very ill. I your Delhi CM You also love your mother. I love my mother too. You are a millionaire, I am a roadpati. I don't have money and what are we doing with my mother. Swami Dayanand Hospital I am telling you. Sir, I do not understand anyone because my mother, some hospital people are giving a lot of pain and today I could not tolerate it. When I have mailed you Please help me Please please help me. Help me if you love us!