Complaint Requirements of yarn

  • RSR Mohota - Requirements of yarn
    Liya on 2021-11-26 14:04:29

    Our Minimum requirement would be as follows, which will increase in future;
    a) 30’s combed weaving yarn – 30,000 kg’s/month.
    b) 40’s combed weaving yarn – 50,000 kg’s/month.
    c) 60’s combed weaving yarn – 20,000 kg’s/month.
    d) 80’s combed weaving yarn – 6,000 kg’s/month.

    Our Terms & Conditions:

    1. GST as applicable.
    2. Payment: 15-20 days from the date of delivery.
    3. Each 3 baby cones of 300 grams samples must be provided before dispatch.
    4. Pricing must be F.O.R. to Coimbatore.
    5. The contract will be for one year, ”PLUS”
    6. The pricing must be fixed in the first week of every month.