Complaint Nonsensical serials

  • STAR Vijay / Vijay TV Customer Care, Complaints and Reviews - Nonsensical serials
    Guru Gandhi on 2021-10-06 13:39:24

    In all your serials, all depiction of characters are nonsensical. You make general public /viewers fools to the core. Nothing is realistic, for example, only one sample is, all serial newly wed couples won't even touch each other for weeks and months or even for years. All your specialist doctors do not even observe any sinple medical practice like DNA test for decades together to eliminate simple doubts. This is worst than even all illiterates.
    All joint family set up invariably has an inbuilt villain or villainy character inside to create all havocs in a peaceful family. In ge n eral life one in thousand family may be like that. So don't show all negativities of life and make people dwell in negativity of life . Stop these nonsense. Many may stop watching such nonsensical serials like me