Complaint Pensioner from technical section of RML Hospital

  • Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Contact Number - Pensioner from technical section of RML Hospital
    Gopal Dutt Gaur on 2021-08-09 08:45:03

    It is to state that I was retired on Jan. 2004 from the post of Lab-technician holding PPO Number-216420400052.

    As per amendment letter No.216420400052A3 DT.20/DEC./2017 in respect of my PPO, the name of my wife is appearing as Basanti Devi Gaur. Which is no matching with Aadhar,PAN & CGHS records.
    The name may please be corrected as "BASANTI GAUR" as appearing in Aadhar records.
    Thanking you.

    Gopal Dutt Gaur