Complaint Jobs for Medical Doctors in AP

  • YSR Congress Party Contact Number, Email ID, Office Address, Complaint And Review - Jobs for Medical Doctors in AP
    mahesh kumar, N on 2019-03-25 09:51:33

    Respected Sir,

    Chandrababu, bloody CM of AP did not bother about the medical Doctors in AP. There are number of vacancies of Doctors posts in PHC and Govt. hospitals. It has been filled up very very negligable amount of posts during last 5 years like MOKKUBADI. He is against Doctors since the Great YSR is Doctor. Now, all Doctors and Medical students are against Chandra babu and his party TDP. Fill Doctos posts in AP immediately after you come into power sir.

    yours sincerely,
    N.Mahesh (YSR party supporter)