Complaint SAXENA

  • Rwngwra Narzary Contact Number, Mobile Number, Helpline, Whatsapp Number, Office Address, Email ID - SAXENA
    PANKAJ on 2018-12-05 13:33:17

    I have been retired from the services of Uttar Pradesh Financial Corporation in June 2018,but the retirement dues and other legitimate payments have not been paid for which I have submitted registered letters dated 8.8.2018,23.8.2018,13.9.2018 and lastly on 3 12.2018 but neither the legitimate payments made to me neither any of the correspondence replied to me.Not only my but about 35 retired persons are facing this high-handedness of the corporation.I hereby request to kindly intervene in the matter so that we may get the retrial dues,and be able to meet the exigencies of our family.