Complaint Incorrect billing complaint

  • South Bihar Power Distribution Company [SBPDCL] Customer Care, Complaint and Reviews - Incorrect billing complaint
    umesh prasad singh on 2018-05-17 12:47:27

    Sir, my consumer account number is 101192033. I paid bill at reading of 10204 of sum of amount Rs 4129 on date 29/3/2017. My bill doesn't came regularly in every month and came at once after 4 months collectlively. But after then in 14 months there is bill came around Rs 37013 and is sure incorrect bill as my current reading on meter is 11675 on 16/5/2018. I am having approx an average of 105 units per months but bill charge for 4000+ units at once in 4 months. I tried to contact at 1912 toll free but its not working yet, contacted asst. engineer office at Digha but not getting proper bill. Please help. Please call me on 9308693435 for further details.