Complaint Internet not working

  • Ion Customer Care Number Office Address, Complaint And Reviews - Internet not working
    Mayur Bhopi on 2020-08-16 01:26:57

    Signal is green but not working proper stop streaming searching plz resolve this work very bad i will concern some people they was fired me again n again it's not my fault but ur mistakes come into me ur service really so soooooooo much bad in kalamboli areas u will closed store plz u can't handle this problem to face Mayur_navade my id plz check details then answer me i will pay you 25mbps ur speed 1-2 Mbps or 1 Mbps less again n again stop as per hrs stop they not solve this problem I think you visit there complaint why not resolve told technician not work proper you go home new people add there .This staff siting only chair not solve this problem all staff told go home motherfukers. any situation period how can work customer think about all customers pay you money not value for customers .I suggest you staff change ur business level more than up this time .Plz start again n again complaint i was borrrr this work silly work I will end of my package never again join you very very very bad service not responsible person n end you r very loss end of again 1 yrs