Padmanabha Acharya Contact Number, Mobile Number, WhatsApp Number, Address

Service Center Number Date: 02/08/2018
Padmanabha Acharya Contact Number, Mobile Number, WhatsApp Number, Address

This page is the ease for the people who want to make contact to Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya and they can also share their views and problems with him i.e. Personal mobile number, WhatsApp number, office address, residence address, email ID, fax number etc. are available here on this page.

Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya is the present Governor of Nagaland who was born on 8th October 1931 at Udupi in Karnataka State. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts(Hons), B.Com and L.L.B from Mumbai University. Padmanabha Acharya started his political career from Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad from 1951 to 1977. Shri P.B. Acharya served his services as a member of Academic Council(1988-1991) and Executive Council Member (1981-1991) of Mumbai University. He was also a creator and General Secretary of the NGO Indian National Fellowship Center (INFC) registered in 1975. He became a politician during Emergency in 1977. He also did his duty as national in-charge of SC/ST Morcha and Co-convenor of Overseas friends of BJP.  He also took a pledge for an additional charge of the Governor of Tripura from 21 July 2014.

Padmanabha Acharya Contact Addresses

Want to know what is the address of Padmanabha Acharya house/residence and offices of various cities. His all addresses are available in the table below:

Padmanabha Acharya Residence / House Address: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Office Address: n/a

Padmanabha Acharya Contact Numbers
Those are searching about, what are the contact numbers of Padmanabha Acharya. Must check the table below. It can definitely help them.

Padmanabha Acharya Contact Number: n/a

Padmanabha Acharya Office Phone Number: +91 630 2212432

Padmanabha Acharya Residence Phone Number: n/a

Padmanabha Acharya Mobile Number: n/a

Padmanabha Acharya Office Fax Number: +91 6302212442

Padmanabha Acharya Residence Fax Number: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Personal Mobile Number: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Personal Phone Number: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya WhatsApp Number: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Official Email ID: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Official Website: n/a

Padmanabha Acharya Social Media Profiles & Pages

Padmanabha Acharya Facebook Account / Facebook Page: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Official Twitter Handle: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Official YouTube Channel: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Google plus Account: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Official LinkedIn Profile: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Pinterest Profile: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Flickr Account: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Tumblr Account: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Official Instagram Handle: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Official Snapchat Profile: n/a
Padmanabha Acharya Stumble Upon Account: n/a

These details have been obtained from various internet sources. If you find them useful, we recommend you to share them on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp etc. to help others.

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