payyanur railway station contact number 497 2822223

Mobile Numbers Date: 11/16/2023
Here are some useful phone numbers for Payyanur Railway Station in Kerala:

Station Master: +91 497 2822222
Railway Enquiry: 139
Reservation Enquiry: +91 497 2822223
Security Control Room: +91 497 2822224

These phone numbers can be used to enquire about train schedules, ticket availability, and other information related to the station. If you have any specific concerns or queries related to your journey, you can contact the station master or the security control room for assistance.

About Payyanur Railway Station

Payyanur Railway Station is a railway station located in the Payyanur town of the Kannur district in the Indian state of Kerala. It is an important railway station in the region and falls under the jurisdiction of the Palakkad Railway Division of the Southern Railway Zone. The station code for Payyanur Railway Station is PAY.

Payyanur Railway Station is well-connected to various parts of Kerala and other parts of India through a number of express and passenger trains. It has several amenities for passengers, including waiting rooms, food stalls, bookstalls, and a parking facility for cars and two-wheelers.

Some of the popular trains that stop at Payyanur Railway Station include the Malabar Express, Matsyagandha Express, Mangalore Express, and the Parasuram Express. The station is located at a distance of about 1.5 km from the Payyanur town center and can be easily reached by local buses or taxis

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