Ayodhya bus stand contact number 1800-180-2877

Mobile Numbers Date: 11/16/2023
The Ayodhya bus stand is also known as the Saket bus stand and is located in the city of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh, India. The contact number for the Ayodhya bus stand is +91-527-422-4077.

Passengers can use this contact number to enquire about the bus schedules, fares, and other related information for various destinations served by the Ayodhya bus stand. They can also use this number to lodge complaints or provide feedback about the bus services. Alternatively, passengers can visit the Ayodhya bus stand in person to enquire about the bus services and purchase tickets.
Ayodhya bus stand contact number

call 7752951415 / 6306757599 , 05278222964


24×7 Helpline 1800-180-2877

For information related to journey start and timings of services, etc…please connect with UPSRTC representatives at bus station enquiry on number

The Ayodhya bus stand is also known as the Saket bus stand and is located in the city of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is a major bus station in the city and is operated by the Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (UPSRTC).

The Ayodhya bus stand operates a range of bus services to different destinations in Uttar Pradesh and other neighboring states. The UPSRTC operates a fleet of buses, including ordinary, deluxe, and Volvo buses, to cater to the needs of different passengers. The ordinary buses are the most basic and affordable, while the deluxe and Volvo buses offer better comfort and amenities.

Passengers can purchase bus tickets from the Ayodhya bus stand for various destinations served by the bus station. They can also enquire about the bus schedules, fares, and other related information at the bus station. The Ayodhya bus stand is open throughout the day and night, providing bus services to passengers at all times. Overall, the Ayodhya bus stand plays an important role in providing affordable and efficient bus services to the people of Ayodhya and surrounding areas.

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