vijayawada railway station enquiry number

Contact Toll Number Date: 10/27/2023

Vijayawada Railway Station Enquiry Number: Your One-Stop Shop for Train Information

The Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number is 139. This is a toll-free number that you can call to get information about trains, such as arrival and departure times, platform numbers, and ticket availability. You can also use this number to book tickets, cancel tickets, and file complaints.

Here are some of the things you can do with the Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number:

Get arrival and departure times of trains
Get platform numbers of trains
Check ticket availability
Get train schedules
Get fares
Check booking status of tickets
Check cancellation status of tickets
Get PNR status
Get running status of trains
Check accommodation availability in trains
File complaints
The Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number is available 24/7 and offers support in English, Hindi, and Telugu. So, whether you are a seasoned traveler or a first-time train passenger, the Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number is here to help you!

How to use the Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number

To use the Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number, simply call 139 from your phone. You will be connected to an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system that will guide you through the process of getting the information you need.

If you need help with anything, you can always press 0 to speak to a customer service representative. The customer service representatives are available 24/7 and are happy to help you with anything you need.

Tips for using the Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number

Here are some tips for using the Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number:

Have your train number or PNR number ready when you call. This will help the customer service representative to answer your query more quickly.
Be clear and concise when describing your request to the customer service representative.
Be patient and polite with the customer service representative. They are there to help you, so please be respectful.

The Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number is a valuable resource for passengers who need information about trains, book tickets, cancel tickets, and file complaints. The Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number is available 24/7 and offers support in English, Hindi, and Telugu.

So, if you are planning a train journey to or from Vijayawada, be sure to save the Vijayawada Railway Station enquiry number, 139, in your phone. You never know when you might need it!

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