Digilocker whatsapp number

Contact Toll Number Date: 11/04/2023
Indian citizens can now use the MyGov Helpdesk on WhatsApp to get Digilocker services. People can now receive documents from Digilocker, such as their PAN card, driver’s license, and vehicle registration certificate.
Digilocker WhatsApp number

Say Hi to +91 9013151515

The DigiLocker WhatsApp number is +91 9013151515. You can use this number to access DigiLocker services on WhatsApp. You can also use this number to get help with DigiLocker, such as setting up your account or downloading documents.

To use DigiLocker on WhatsApp, simply save the number +91 9013151515 in your contacts and start a chat. You can then type “Hi” or “Digilocker” to activate the chatbot. The chatbot will then guide you through the process of accessing DigiLocker services.

Here are some of the DigiLocker services that you can access on WhatsApp:

Set up your DigiLocker account: You can use the chatbot to set up your DigiLocker account. You will need to provide your Aadhaar number and mobile number.
Download documents: You can use the chatbot to download documents from your DigiLocker account. You will need to provide the document ID.
Get help with DigiLocker: If you have any problems with DigiLocker, you can use the chatbot to get help. The chatbot will be able to answer your questions and help you troubleshoot problems.

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