Aurangabad, BDO, CO Phone Number, Email Id

BDO and CO working in every block in Aurangabad has their official Phone Numbers or mobile numbers. In the table below we are writing Aurangabad, BDO, CO Phone Number and Email Id as well. If you are the resident of Aurangabad you can use these numbers to call them.

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Aurangabad, BDO, CO Phone Number, Email Id

In Aurangabad, there are 11 blocks. People often need the contact numbers of these officers. Regular and welfare and development works are the responsibility of BDO whereas land related issues come under the authority of CEO. If you want to call them get the Aurangabad District BDO, CO Phone Number from here.

Official phone numbers of BDO and CO renders you the privilege to make contact with them. If you have any issue regarding land, official works, development or any other Aurangabad, BDO, CO Phone Number, Email Id will go useful for you.

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