
  • unable to register on network
    nidhi tembhurnikar on 2015-04-27 16:03:28

    Im getting error "unable to register on network ".The issue is because IMEI number of my cel has been nulled.

  • sccrreenttouccch pprroobbleem
    Balusatore on 2015-05-13 05:33:20

    ssscrrreeeeennttooouucchh oooff mmoobbiilll nnoott wwwoorrkkiiinngg

  • Earphone
    Ashraf khan on 2015-08-04 11:54:22

    When I receive call on earphone people didn't get my voice when I talk on mobile that's working properly I have bill box and bill date is 4-12-2014 on this date I got phone please give me your response fast I'm waiting..