
  • Charging issue in ipencil gen 1
    kaNHa Gupta on 2021-12-23 13:00:34

    Apple pencil gets discharged while on charging through ipad. I have a video proof of that. What shall I do in such a case???

  • Forgotton the Apple ID Password
    Shyam Sharma on 2022-02-13 22:56:58

    My iphone need Apple ID Password to start my Phone, And i forgot the password. Please help me out from this Issue.

  • call speaker not work
    PARMANAND on 2023-05-15 10:56:17

    sir, plss confirm call speaker price and call back asap.

  • Ajinath Baburao Sable on 2023-05-25 18:34:20

    the given number 9819794909 is not correct please update the latest number. Thanks