
  • Tamil Nadu political status
    Parameswaran on 2020-09-01 22:00:34

    I am from Theni, Tamilnadu. The situation if Tamil Nadu BJP Is developing good but you decide a person as a head of Tamil Nadu BJP(Murugan) who didn't have proper experience . He don't know how to handle the question. And he is answering un maturely. Example: In August 31st we had a public meeting in Coimbatore in that he talk that if BJP take part separately in the election BJP will got 60 MLA seat. It creates a big shock and problems in between the BJP's supporting parties. So please choose a proper , experienced and a well capacity person as a head of Tamil Nadu BJP's head.
    By BJP's faithful member

  • Sasidharan D on 2020-09-13 22:54:11

    Sir I want speak with u come election in tamil nadu so I tak e survey I n tamil nadu so pls sir my number 9789762066 I am working in indian army I take survey so risk

  • Bidhan sawa sultanganj Bhagalpur
    Pravin Kumar on 2020-09-21 15:09:21

    Sultanganj bidhansawa se kishi Yadav KO khara Kiya jay kyo ki Yadav ki Sankhya Jada hai ISH liye har war rjd jit jate hai Mera mobile no-8271145601 jay Shri ram

  • मन की बात
    हीरालाल sharma on 2021-02-16 05:37:38

    Dear sir

    Please sir मेरी बात shere करना

    Cantect नंबर chahia

    नाम हीरालाल शर्मा
    गांव Sirangsar
    तेह. नोहर
    जिला हनुमानगढ़
    Cantect नंबर
    What's up namber

    कृषि कानून के बारे मे पूरा सच बता unga