
  • MD Shamshad Alam on 2019-10-01 15:29:57

    our Samsung fridge not working
    contact No. 9911997461

  • Request to Open a Maintenance Office for Samsung Refrigerators in Ethiopia
    Dawit Zinabu Damte on 2023-10-05 14:05:53

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing this formal email to you regarding the performance of Samsung refrigerators and the need for a qualified and well-equipped maintenance office in Ethiopia. I am a refrigerator specialist and currently working for a well-known and big beverage company. I am also actively engaged in making refrigerators from scratch as a private individual. I am proud to say that I have immensely improved my skill set and still trying to learn and be the best in my line of work.

    I have observed that the availability of good Samsung refrigerator maintenance services is scarce in Ethiopia. The limited options for maintenance and repair of refrigerators are the cause of grave challenges for Samsung refrigerator users. As I am experienced in this field, I have seen various cases of demoralizing customer service experiences.

    I hope that Samsung, as a leading global electronics brand, is sensitive to the needs of its customers here in Ethiopia. I am proposing that Samsung collaborates with me to open a well-equipped maintenance office for Samsung refrigerators in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I am confident that with my expertise, knowledge and focus on excellent customer service, we can establish a benchmark for maintenance and repair service in Ethiopia.

    I believe in this venture and assure you that it is time to provide efficient and trustworthy servicing for Samsung refrigerator users in Ethiopia. I would be grateful for your support and cooperation in this matter, and we can schedule a meeting to discuss it further if it is feasible.


    Dawit Zinabu Damte