
  • Please add our company to your directory
    John Gallie on 2023-01-07 10:30:44

    Directory Site Owner

    I am writing to request that you add my business, JTG Systems, to your directory under the category of computer repair. We are located at 577 Niagara Street in Welland, Ontario, Canada L3C 1L9 and offer a range of Computer Repair services to businesses and individuals.

    We understand that there are hundreds of thousands of directories on the internet, and it is not feasible for us to add ourselves to each one. That is why we are reaching out to you to request your assistance in adding us to your directory. We would consider it a personal favor.

    In exchange for your help, we would be happy to offer you some SEO advice to help improve the visibility of your website. However, we would first need to confirm that we have been added to your directory.

    Please use the details at the bottom of this letter and send us an email to once the request is completed, if possible.

    Thank you for considering our request. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

    Please confirm once the request is done, we much appreciate it!

    Name: John Gallie - Owner
    Category: Computer Repair
    Company: JTG Systems
    Description: JTG Systems is a Computer company providing Computer Repair and Data Recovery.
    Address: 577 Niagara Street, Welland
    Province/Country: Ontario, Canada
    Postal Code: L3C 1L9