
  • Digital Marketing Service
    rekha sharma on 2023-04-06 20:57:37


    I was going through your website & I personally see a lot of potential in your website & business.

    With your permission I would like to send you an audit report of your website with a process showing you a few things to greatly improve these search results for you.

    These things are not difficult, and my report will be very specific. It will show you exactly what needs to be done to move you up in the rankings dramatically.

    we can place your website on Google's 1st page (yahoo, etc.)

    May I send you a quotation, proposal, and Cost? If you are interested;

    We will gladly provide you with a "proposal" and "Pricing" as well as our "Portfolio"

    1) SEO (search engine optimization)
    2) SMO (Social Media Optimization
    3) PPC (Pay-Per Click)
    4) Insta Paid Promotions

    Thanks in Advance!