
  • Incorrect customer care Number
    A M Chowdary on 2019-04-03 12:52:39

    My Mobile Number 9650611002 is listed in your website as customer care number and i get atleast 80 calls every day due to this. I work for a different division of Voltas and am not the right person for services to Voltas Window & Split Airconditoners / Water dispensers

    The 24x7 toll free customer care number is 18605994555.

    Kindly update immediately in your webiste and remove my mobile number 9650611002

  • incorrect information in your website
    A M Chowdary on 2019-04-30 13:43:14

    Regret you have not taken any action against my request dated 03rd April 2019.
    My Mobile Number 9650611002 is listed in your website as customer care number and i get many calls every day due to this. I work for a different division of Voltas and am not the right person for services to Voltas Window & Split Airconditoners / Water dispensers

    The 24x7 toll free customer care number is 18605994555. other number is 9650694555

    Kindly update immediately in your webiste and remove my mobile number 9650611002