
  • Have not info
    Afzal on 2018-04-10 18:42:24

    I have not land phone number. So I can not fill out amrita admission exam which held on 19th ton 21th April.
    Provide me the way of fill out the form

  • S.vamsikrishna on 2018-05-07 14:47:58

    I am from A.P. my rank 8339. Can I get seat in ECE at amritha Bangalore/ coimbathur.

  • S.vamsikrishna on 2018-05-08 04:51:21

    I am from AP. My rank 8300. Can I get admission in btech ECE Bangalore/coimbathur at amritha University?

  • Manish on 2019-04-16 20:55:34

    Respected sir I cannot book my slot as the given application id to my mail is invalid
    Plz help me
    Thanking u