
  • Show Cancellation at last minute
    Manoj Sukumaran on 2023-12-14 14:30:21

    We booked 4 tickets to watch Antony movie at Ashirvaad Kadapra. The reason we booked the ticket is just because of the Ashirvaad brand and I travelled from Anjilithanam just for that reason as I wanted to give a nice experience to my family as we are on holidays here from Australia.
    Unfortunately, you have a very unfriendly staff who are least bothered about customer service.
    They informed me that the show is cancelled because enough tickets were not sold. I really cannot believe that how it becomes our problem???!!!
    This has left a poor impression on Aashirvaad brand and Mohanlal.
    I want to hear back your prompt response on this matter as soon as possible.

  • line production services in Rajasthan
    ummed chauhan on 2024-02-17 15:17:21

    we provide shooting locations, permissions, transport, crew, casting, catering, accommodation and other line production related services in all Rajasthan, if you are planning to do shoot upcoming projects in Rajasthan with best best budget, kindly call us, we already provided line production services to Malayalam TVC and film in Rajasthan.
    ummed singh 9829439936/7230038335