
  • Sadasivuni
    S.THRINADHA RAO on 2017-05-18 15:13:11

    Sir, NSCs underpaid after maturity.
    NSCs 59DD069461,62,63,64 were purchase by me for Rs.20,000 in the year 27.3.2009. But I got only Rs.38,000 appxly against the pro0mised amount of 40,300/- plus normal interest for two years. Please suggest me whether I go to NHRC for the injustice. I submitted my NSCs at - Vepagunta PO, vISAKHAOPATNAM 530 047. To avoid the enormous delay which experienced, I preferred to contact you this way.Thank you.

  • bhigwan rs station tal indapur dist pune
    vasudev gawade on 2017-09-09 08:22:14

    भिगवण आर एस स्टेशन के मास्टर सव्हिस ठिक नही देते सुकन्या का खाता पोस्ट मे नही खुलवाते करके वापिस भेज देते है

  • Ok
    Zakir Ali on 2019-06-28 12:45:39

    सर मेरी चेक बुक अभी तक नहीं आई कब तक आएगी