
  • complait about exam center
    Ankan karmakar on 2017-05-17 21:26:50

    sir my name is Ankan Karmakar and I have a problem about my exam center . I got my exam center in siliguri ,MIT institute which is too far from goalpara Assam and it is approx. 900 km from us.sir please take some measure about the center and sir please shift my center in lower Assam.

  • about admission 2019
    SOUGATA SARKAR on 2019-02-28 14:21:03

    when your admission for ba will live the site

  • Jakariya Ahmed on 2019-05-26 22:10:25

    What I can admission in engineering .I admission in macanical engineering .I pass jee main and what process I can admission in tezpur university.