The Hindu Newspaper Contact Phone Number, Email Id, Office Address, Website & Support

Contact Number Date: 12/01/2017
The Hindu Newspaper Contact Phone Number, Email Id, Office Address, Website & Support

The Hindu is the most leading English newspaper in India. This newspaper is the oldest newspaper company in India. The Hindu is most popular and trusted newspaper. Daily millions of people reading this newspaper. The Hindu provides authentication news on any topic like politics, games, sports, Entertainment, health, education, technology, art and many more other fields they provide news. If you have any query about The Hindu Newspaper Contact Phone Number, Email Id, Office Address, Website & Support in this post we’ll share all information regarding The Hindu.

The Hindu Newspapers contacts

The Hindu Newspaper Contact Phone Number, Email Id, Office Address, Website & Support The was established in 1878 and founded by G. Subramania Iyer. Company Headquarters is located in Chennai, India with more than 1,000 employees. The Hindu is knowing for the reliability of news. The Hindu Provides newspaper in all over India you can easily buy it from your newspaper hawker. If any case you don’t have received newspaper or other issues. you can contact in this numbers. We’ll give all information about The Hindu Newspaper Contact Phone Number, Email Id, Office Address, Website & Support you can find below all details regarding the Hindu.

India Mart Customer Care Phone Number, Email Address, Office Address

The Hindu Contact Information –

91-44-2857 6300
(You can get help for general queries and support by contacting on the above number)

The Hindu Newspapers numbersThe Hindu Newspapers contacts numbers

The Hindu Newspaper Email Address

For Advertisement Online ->

For Readers’ Editor ->

The Hindu Newspaper Contact Number -> 91-44-2857 6300

For Advertisement Online International ->
(Write your queries and send it to the above email address to get support by their team)

The Hindu Newspaper Social Profile Links:

Facebook Page -

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(You can connect with The Hindu Newspaper on their Social Networks for latest updates and more)

Reply / Feedback / Contact Complaint

    Service issue | Complaint | Query | Feedback | Suggestion | Reply

    Matrimonial News - The Hindu by chandrasekhar:

    (4 of 5)

    The matrimonial ads were being given in the past under the title above.

    Has this practice is discontinued.

    Please let me know?

    Unable to renew online by Dr K R SHYAMSUNDAR IPS:

    (4 of 5)

    I am a regular subscriber of Hindu daily since 1969. In the column please update your contact details (7708026150) to proceed for renewal, it reports successfully verified. 2) Then it says waiting for However, after a very long wait the relevant page comes up that states the due date for renewal of Hindu daily is 30.9.2019. 3) However, the page becomes unresponsive - with caption: "You can wait for it to become responsive or exit the page'. Tried more than one dozen times (13 to be precise) since 28th Aug 2019 with ditto end.
    4) Can I send cheque through the distributor as was done previously? It is the distributor who wanted me to renew online as I received sms

    Words Innovating challenging task by Dulichand:

    (4 of 5)

    अंग्रेजी शब्दों के निर्माणतत्व का ज्ञान शोधकार्य करें और जीतिए हजारों के ईनाम*
    3 से 5 अक्षर के शब्द के लिए 10रु
    6 से 8 अक्षर के शब्द के लिए 20रु
    9 से 12 अक्षर के शब्द के लिए 30रु
    13 से 15 अक्षर के शब्द के लिए 40रु

    सोचो शब्द अगर न होते , तो भगवान किसे कहते?
    क्या पढ़ते क्या लिखते ईश का बखान कैसे करते?
    ज्ञान ध्यान सब शब्द से, शब्द में शक्ति उर्जा है
    शब्द बिना सब ज्ञान-ध्यान, जीव-जगत भी मूर्धा है
    गुरु बना जब ज्ञान मिला, ज्ञान मिला उसे शब्द से
    शब्द रूपी ज्ञान उर्जा का , अनंत प्रवाह है शब्द में
    शब्द की ज्ञान उर्जा का, भण्डार ओउम में निहित है
    शिव ओंकार ॐ में , इस माया जगत का गणित है

    शब्दों कई प्रकार के होते है इसलिए संसार में अनेको भाषाएँ है । आदर्श और अलौकिक शब्द मानव जीवन को अलंकृतकर सफल और सार्थक बनाते है।
    हिंदी के शब्दों के बनने की व्याख्या करना जटिल और विवादास्पद ज्यादा है क्योंकि हिंदी के शब्द मात्राओं के संयोग से बनते है जैसे कविता शब्द की व्याख्या अगर क व् त से करे तो विवादस्पद हो जायेगा इसलिए कविता का तात्पर्य
    क से कल्पना,
    वि से मतलब विचार और
    ता से मतलब तालमेल।
    इस प्रकार कल्पना और विचार का तालमेल कविता का सृजन होता है लेकिन ऐसा व्याख्यान बहुत कम शब्दों में संभव है यद्यपि मैंने कुछ हिंदी शब्दों उच्चारण अनुसार अंग्रेजी में अक्षरतः विस्तार वर्णन की कोशिश की जैसे शिव, शक्ति, ब्रह्मा, विष्णु,महेश, लक्ष्मी, पार्वती, सरस्वती इत्यादि।
    हिन्दीभाषी और हिन्दीप्रेमी होने पर भी मैंने अंग्रेजी के शब्दों को इसलिए चुना क्योंकि अंग्रेजी में स्वर और मात्रा दोनों के लिए कुल 26 alphabets समान श्रेणी के अक्षर होते है अर्थात व्यंजन और मात्रा एक ही प्रारूप है। अंग्रेजी एक अन्तराष्ट्रीय भाषा है जो विश्व के हर देश में लिखी- पढ़ी और पढ़ाई जाती है । इसके माध्यम से यह ज्ञान विश्व के सभी देशों में प्रख्यात हो और सबको शब्द ज्ञान का लाभ मिले ताकि यह संसार आदर्श का प्रतिमान बने और विश्व में व्याप्त आतंक, अशांति और असुरक्षा को समाप्त करके विश्व में पुनः शांति स्थापित हो । भारत की इस अनूठी प्रतिभा का लोहा माने और भारत पुनः ज्ञान का विश्वगुरु बने।

    *मैंने यह शब्दज्ञान शोधकार्य भारत के प्रधानमंत्री, शिक्षामंत्री, मुख्यमंत्रियों , राजनीतिज्ञों , धार्मिक गुरुओं, मंदिरों, धार्मिक संस्थानों, सर्वोच्च न्यायलयों के वकीलों, न्यायधीशों , वैज्ञानिको, प्रिंटमीडिया चैनल और विश्व के सभी उच्च शिक्षण संस्थानों, विश्वविद्यालयों को भेजा लेकिन खेद है कि अब तक कोई इस शब्दज्ञान को पूर्ण करने में समर्थ नहीं हुआ
    मैंने अंग्रेजी के कुछ शब्दों का कर्तव्यपूर्ण आदर्श व्याख्यान निर्माण किया । आप भी इस शब्दज्ञान प्रतियोगिता में भाग ले और अपने ज्ञानकौशल से धनोपार्जन करे जैसे :-
    समय का कोई आदि अंत नहीं मतलब समय अनंत है तो TIME का सही full form होना चाहिए
    1. *Time* :- Travel In Motion Everlast
    Means in Hindi :- अनन्त से आगमन
    2. *God* :- Generator, Operator, Destroyor
    3. *Duty* :- Dedicate Ultimate Truly Yourself
    4. *Water*:- Worldly Accumulated True Energy Resource
    5. *Mind* :- Make Innerself New Discoverer

    Supreme, Power, Shiva, Controller, Super, Energy, Soul, Oum, Symbol, Linga, God, Goddess, Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Parvati, Heaven, Hell, Angel, Devil, World, Mind, Wisdom, Concentration, Ego, Word, Image, Taste, Smell, Halo, Sense, Eye, Nose, Ear, Tongue, Skin, Birth, Egg, Germ, Sperm, Body, Life, Death, Journey, Bird, Animal, Soil, Seed, Tree, Flower, Scent, Fruit, Food

    Cosmos, Galaxy, Star, Planet, Sun, Earth, Moon, Alien, Ghost, Nectar, Venom, Water, Air, Fire, Light, Time, Day, Night, Nature, Creature,

    Man, Woman, Sex, Boy, Girl, Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Husband, Wife, Marriage, Family, Home, Clan, Heir, Caste.

    Religion, Faith, Wish, Idol, Priest, Temple, Mosque, Church, Gurudwara, Guru, Work, Worship, Psam, Prayer, Oblation, Devotion, Devotee, Ved, Puran, Kuran, Bible, Granth, Spirituality, Humanity, Yoga, Meditation, Renunciation, Sacrifice, Salvation, Brain, Blood, Heart, Health, Wealth, Pleasure, Glory, name, fame.

    School, College, Teacher, Master, Principal, Chancellor, Professor, Lecturer, Education, Knowledge, Discipline, Study, Book, Literature, Dictionary, Student, Exam, Degree, Ambition, Dream, Success, Challenge, Prize, Target,Talent, Nature, Beauty, Trust, Character, Attitude, Change, Love, Smile, Save, Help, Truth, False, Good, Bad, Happy, Sorrow, Friend, Enemy, Master, Coach, Team, Player, Game, Match, Win, Champion, Pride

    King, Queen, Rule, Palace, Prince, Princess, Foreigner, Guest, Revolution, Freedom, Border, Country, City, Capital, State, Village, Currency, Citizen, Policy, Vote, Election, Leader, Politics, Promise Politician, Party, Vision Manifesto, Assembly, Constitution, Parliament, President, Ambassador, Prime / Chief Minister, Governor, Secretary, Advisor

    Service, Salary, Interview, Committee, Employer, Employee, Promotion, Director, Manager, Engineer, Officer, Worker, Labour, Farmer

    Organization, Company, Employer, Employee, Work, Labour, Salary, Trade, Market, Loss, Profit, Bank, Interest, Insurance, Agent, Policy, Investment , Bonus, Customer

    Doctor, Treatment, Operation, Surgery, Test, Laboratory, Hospital, Nurse, Patient, Medicine, Herbs.

    Astrologer,Fortune, Gold, Silver, Diamond, Pearl, Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz, Opal, Coral, Colour, Black, White, Green, Red, Yellow, Blue.

    Festival, Rite, Song, Music, Musician, Dance, Film, Actor, Actress, Role, Award, Oscar, Magic, Magician, Art, Artist, Poet, Poem

    Expert, Advice, Budget, Bill, Equality, Rights, Rules, Law, Tax, Court, Judge, Magistrate, Justice, Petition, Article, Lawyer, Security, Society, Soldier, Patriot, Arms, Hero, Heroine ,Police, Crime, Criminal, Terror, Terrorist, Corruption, Money, Bribe, Approach, Dowry, Media, News, Broadcast, Journalist

    Discovery, Wheel, Cart, Diesel, Petrol, Car, Bus, Ship, Train, Plane, Science, Scientist, Research, Laboratory, Test, Atom, Bomb Gas, Oil, Nutron, Proton, Electron, Electric, Machine, War, weapon, Earthquake, Strom, Flood, Deluge.

    Computer, Hardware, Software, Programmer, Robot, Digital, Technology, Virus, Mobile, Internet, Satellite, Communication.

    मैंने शब्दों की अक्षरतः उनके कार्य और रचना के आधार को दर्शाने की कोशिश की है जिनका उल्लेख विश्व की किसी भी अंग्रेजी की किताब,शब्दकोश में इन शब्द निर्माण तत्व का उल्लेख नहीं मिलता। मेरा आपसे यह अनूठा ज्ञानशोध कार्य करने और करवाने का अनुरोध पूर्वक आग्रह आपके आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान को उभारना और आपकी कृति से अपनी शब्द ज्ञान कृति की प्रमाणिकता को जाँचने के लिए है और शब्दों के इस रचनात्मक कार्य को करने के दौरान आपको जो मानसिक अनुभव हुआ उससे मेरी मानसिक दशा का अनुभव कर सकेंगे और जान सकेंगे की यह शब्दनिर्माण लेखन कार्य भी वेद लिखने से कम् नहीं।
    कृपया अपनी इस विलक्षण कृति से मुझे अवश्य पोस्ट करके अवगत कराए या ईमेल करे और शब्दव्याख्यान के पूर्ण मिलान होने पर ही ईनाम की धनराशि आपको चैक द्वारा भेज दी जायेगी। Kindly share your mental experience with me while doing this task and know your answer for comparison by email

    dcshivansh.aman@gmail. com

    Mistake by K. V. Vijayasarathy:

    (4 of 5)

    In-principal approval for upgradation of old Madras road.

    It must be in principle approval.

    9868097272 by Yogesh Kumar Mishra:

    (4 of 5)

    सर क्या आपके एम्पलाई बगैर सोचे समझे 40 हिंदू काट सकते हैं जो कस्टमर हो तक नहीं पहुंच पाया मैं एक अखबार वितरक हु मेरा 40 हिंदू आज काट दिया गया है बिना मुझे बताएं क्या आप हमारा हेल्प कर सकते हैं

    जॉइन हेतु by Arun Kumar:

    (4 of 5)

    मैं एक कुशल पत्रकार हूं जो कि मैं इंडिया न्यूज वन में कार्य कर रहा हूं पिछले समय किसान रेडियो बस्ती में कार्य कर रहा था, मैं उत्तर प्रदेश के बस्ती जिले से हूं और द हिंदू न्यूज़ पेपर मैं प्रेस के रूप में ज्वाइन होना चाहता हूं

    The Hindu daily newspaper by Prof. T S Tomar:

    (4 of 5)

    Your news paper daily The Hindu reaches late at Haridwar Uttarakhand . And so the hauker delivers it on next day at home in the city of Haridwar Uttarakhand pin 249404

    Article 4r publishing by Neter Raina:

    (4 of 5)

    Whom to forward an article 4r publishing. e.mail address required

    Hard copy of Hindu not delivered by the Agent by V Gopala Krishna:

    (4 of 5)

    I have been associated with the Hindu for over 5 decades and I was subscribing to the Hindu on yearly basis. There was no communication nor do we receive the Hindu News Paper for the past 4/5 days. Pl go ahead with the yearly subscription and arrange to supply the Hindu daily - more than me, my wife gets agitated if she does not read the Hindu.

    Plot No.21, Sree Balaji Enclave, Phase I, Transport Road, Sec'bad 500009, Telengana - near Diamond Point, Sikh Villabge

    Request for your paper delivery in small towns by Bhumika Dubey:

    (4 of 5)

    Respected Sir/Mam,
    I am requesting you to please deliver your paper in small towns also, many of the students prepare for exams from their homes and they cant afford to leave outside. The vendor never agree to deliver the paper in our areas. Please do something for this issues. It will help

    the hindu newspaper offline at home by priyanshu roodki:

    (4 of 5)

    I am a resident of Kharar punjab 140301 I want to get the hindu newspaper adelivered at my home daily I am not able to find the agency nearby so can you help me out in this.

    The Hindu news paper by Vinmrta:

    (4 of 5)

    Satna MP me news paper available nhi h kya the Hindu news paper

    Timely delivery by P V Murali Krishnan:

    (4 of 5)

    I have been reading Hindu for more than 60 years. I subscribe annually at Chennai for several years and no issues. I subscribe our paper in TIRUPATI also through The Krishna Agency, TIRUPATI. I receive only 20 days in a month and they don’t give on all sundays but insist for full payment.The attitude of the delivery boy also very rude and arrogant. They deliver the paper only after 9 am. I come to know that most of the people near my house, people I meet at park and people I meet at walking place are all have the same problem, most of them stopped buying for the same reason . I request you to take necessary action on this issue. Thank you

    For give an advertisement by Manikandan:

    (4 of 5)

    About name changing

    Annual Subscription in Ahmedabad by Mayank R Brahmbhatt:

    (0 of 5)

    Dear Sir,

    Want to have contact Numbers The Hindu News Paper Agency in Ahmedabad who can able to supply News Paper on daily basis.

    Service issue | Complaint | Query | Feedback | Suggestion | Reply