Annapurna Studios Office Address, Contact Number, Complaint And Reviews

Production House Date: 08/18/2017
Annapurna Studios is a private limited company. It was established in the year 1975. The name of its founder is Akkneni Nageswara Rao. It is situated in the Hyderabad City, India. It’s a production as well as a distribution company.

The name of the studio is after the name of founder’s wife “Annapurna Akkineni”. The studio usually deals with produces and distributes of the Telugu films. It also provides faculties like the sound stage for set construction, outdoor sets, dubbing studio, editing of the film equipment and other requirement related to film production.

The Annapurna International School of Film and Media (AISFM) is also situated in the premises of Annapurna Studios. Its goal is to be the top film institute in India with having the global reputation. It is major studio which is situated in the heart of the Hyderabad. Also, it has teachers and academic advisors who have big names in cinema.

Annapurna Studios Office Contact Details

Get the contact details like office address which is located in Hyderabad, office number, office email id of Annapurna Studios from here.

Annapurna Studios Office Address: Annapurna Studios, Rd 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 34, India.

Annapurna Studios Office Phone Number: 08008294564, 087222 49026, 9177857575

Annapurna Studios Office Email ID:

Annapurna Studios Official Website:

Social Profiles

Like the Facebook Page of Annapurna Studios to get the latest updates about news, services, products etc.Also, the YouTube channel has the latest video updated from the company.

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What is the Office Phone Number of Annapurna Studios?
Annapurna Studios Contact Number : 087222 49026

How to contact Annapurna Studios Office (Other Ways)?
Office Address : Indira Nagar, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500004
Email ID :

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